Compact Macro 2011 Winners
2011 Ocean Art Photo Competition Winners
Compact Macro Category
Quick Links to All Categories
Wide-Angle | Marine Life Behavior | Portrait | Macro | SuperMacro | Coldwater | Nudibranchs
Divers/ Fashion | Novice dSLR | Compact Wide-Angle | Compact Macro | Compact Behavior
Jackie Campbell, 1st Place
"Hairy Stare"
Martina Gambirasi, 2nd Place
"I Love My Eggs"
Jun Lao, 3rd Place
"Octo in a Bottle"
George Jolokai, 4th Place
"Iridescent Scallop"
Alexander Barth, Honorable Mention
"Shrimp #3"
Andras Pohl, Honorable Mention
Stephen Holinski, Honorable Mention
"Red Irish Lord"
Quick Links to All Categories
Wide-Angle | Marine Life Behavior | Portrait | Macro | SuperMacro | Coldwater | Nudibranchs
Divers/ Fashion | Novice dSLR | Compact Wide-Angle | Compact Macro | Compact Behavior

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