Leafy Sea Dragon
The Leafy Sea Dragon, Phycodurus eques, is one of the most beautiful fish in the world. Seeing one underwater is an amazing experience, you can watch these fish for hours while diving underwater. Leafy sea dragons are in the family Syngnathidae, which also includes seahorses and pipefish, and its close relative the Weedy sea dragon.
Leafy sea dragon photo, Adelaide
Leafy Sea Dragon Habitat and Range
Leafy sea dragons are found on the shores of southern Australia, usually between Adelaide and Perth, hiding in seaweed, also known as brown kelp. They are not found east of Melbourne, and sightings around Melbourne are very rare. They are usually somewhat in the open, so if you are near them they are not too difficult to spot. They are most commonly found in water 4-15 meters deep, but have been found deeper. The water temperature is 19 Celsius in the summer, 14 in the winter. The close relative of the leafy sea dragon, the Weedy sea dragon, is found more around Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania - especially Sydney.
Leafy Sea Dragon Dive Sites
Unfortunately sometimes poachers and licensed collectors will remove Leafies from dive sites.
Wool Bay Jetty
Kangaroo Island
"The Bluff" at Victor Harbour
Other places along the southern coast between Adelaide and Perth
Leafy Sea Dragon Photos

Leafy sea dragon and diver. F11, 1/80th, ISO 400, Tokina 10-17mm
Leafy Sea Dragon Photography Tips
Leafy Sea Dragons are large, they can be over 30cm. Use a wide-angle lens or mid-range lens for photos of the entire fish
Do not harass the fish, touch them, or try to move them up in the water column, they have a sensitive swim bladder and are easily injured.
They have a limited home range (10x10 meters), so don't chase them or swim them out of their region or this can stress them out.
Take only a few photos and then give them time to relax, after 2-3 minutes give them a 15 minute break or they will swim erratically due to stress
Do not harass males with eggs as they may drop the eggs
Get Low with your camera and shoot at an upwards angle
Use a local guide to maximize your chance of finding a leafy. Sea dragons can be difficult to find.
Take your time - they love posing for your underwater camera, and are very photogenic!
Leafy Sea Dragon facts and life cycle
Males carry up to 250 eggs during the Australian summer. Males with eggs are often seen by divers in November and December. Females deposit eggs on the male's body (there is no pouch), and they hatch after 7-8 weeks according to the "Vanishing Dragon" film. They reach full size after 2 years, and probably live up to 10 years long.
Leafy sea dragons feed on mysid, plankton and other small crustaceans. Their camouflage is some of the best in the animal kingdom. Leafy Sea Dragons will sometimes have Isopods attached to them, which are parasites. The leafies that I saw were active during the day, so they are definitely not nocturnal.
Leafy sea dragons were previously heavily over-collected, but are now protected. Still, licensed collectors sometimes remove subjects from dive sites. Leafy sea dragons are the official marine emblem of South Australia.
Carey Harmer, Sea Dragon Guide. Carey knows where the Leafy's are being seen, and how to get the best photographs of them.
Diver's Delight dive shop in Adelaide. Great rental gear! Mention the Guide to Underwater photography and they promise VIP treatment on Leafy Sea Dragon tours.
Code of conduct when diving with Leafy Sea Dragons http://www.reefwatch.asn.au/PDF/dscode.pdf
"Vanishing Dragon" film on the Leafy Sea Dragon
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