2022 Ocean Art Contest Winners

The Ocean Art 2022 underwater photography competition is excited to announce the world's best underwater photography in our 11th annual competition! It's clear from the caliber of our winners that the world has entered a new and exciting post-pandemic era of photographic achievment.
It was a very tight and intense competition with photographers coming from 96 different countries across the globe with thousands of images entered. Ocean Art could not have been possible without the help of our generous sponsors who were responsible for the largest selection of prizes ever in an underwater photo contest – with over $100,000 in prizes awarded! Please take a moment to check out our sponsors below and keep them in mind as you shop for underwater photo gear or dive travel.
The winners were asked to rank the prizes and were awarded one prize based on the total points earned from all their winning photos.
We would also like to thank our world-renowned judges Tony Wu, Mark Stickland, Marty Snyderman, and Bluewater Photo and Bluewater Travel for their utmost support. Click here to view the judges' comments for Ocean Art 2022.
Press Release and Media Contact: http://www.uwphotographyguide.com/ocean-art-2022-press-release
Click here to view the Ocean Art 2022 winners at a larger size (best for desktop)
Want to win next year? Join one of our underwater photo workshops
Need help finding the right underwater photo gear including from our sponsors, Ikelite, SeaLife, Think Tank, Marelux and Sea & Sea? Check out Bluewater Photo!
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Best in Show
Wide-Angle Category
"The Hunt" 2nd Place - Daniel Nicholson Shot in Ningaloo Reef, Australia | "The Blue Abyss" 3rd Place - Martin Broen Shot in Yucatan Mexico |
"The Lady in Red" 2nd Place - Matthew Sullivan Shot in Florida, USA | "Southern Bobtail Squid" 3rd Place - Nicholas Remy Shot in Tasmania, Australia |
"Something in My Mouth" 4th Place - Novrizal Herdananto Shot in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia | |
Marine Life Behavior
"Chew With Your Mouth Closed!" 2nd Place - Bryant Turffs Shot in Florida, USA | "Coral Spawning" 3rd Place - Tom Shlesinger Shot in Gulf of Aqaba and Eilat, Israel |
"Zeepaddestoel" Honorable Mention - Luc Rooman Shot in Lake Grevelingen Scharendijke, Holland | |
"Shark Portrait" 2nd Place - Gabriella Luongo Shot in Azores, Portugal | "Eye to Eye" 3rd Place - Kim Briers Shot in Dauin, Philippines |
"Parasite Waiting for the Next Victim" Honorable Mention - Lorenzo Terraneo Shot in Capo Noli, Italy | |
"Jaws" 2nd Place - Yannick Gouguenheim Shot in South East of France | "Dancing Rockfish Silhouettes" 3rd Place - Jon Anderson Shot in Monterey, California, USA |
"The Climb" 2nd Place - Veronika Nagy Shot in British Columbia, Canada | "3's a Crowd" 3rd Place - Luke Gordon Shot in Yasawa Islands, Fiji |
"Cleared for Takeoff" 2nd Place - Josh Raia Shot in Florida, USA | "1st Appearance" 3rd Place - Steven Kovacs Shot in Kona, Hawaii, USA |
Underwater Conservation
"Drowned in Plastic" 2nd Place - Caroline Power Shot in Honduras, Roatan | "Scar Neck" 3rd Place - Gabriella Luongo Shot in Azores, Portugal |
"The Brutal Death of the Crow" Honorable Mention - Alessandro Giannaccini Shot in Serra River, Italy | |
Underwater Art
"Staker" 2nd Place - Julian Nedev Shot in Faenza, Italy | "Dandelion" 3rd Place - Lilian Koh Shot in Lembeh Straits, Manado, Indonesia |
Black & White
"Cruising the Sand Patch" 2nd Place - Brooke Pyke Shot in Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia | "Snappersphere" 3rd Place - Piers Baillie Shot in Koh Tao, Thailand |
"South Seas Spawning" 4th Place - Renee Capozzola Shot in South Fakarava, French Polynesia | "Silvertip Shark Blur" Honorable Mention - Richard Condlyffe Shot in Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico |
Compact Wide Angle
"Dolphin Formation" 2nd Place - Felix Beck Shot in Sataya Reef, Egypt | "Close Neighbors" 3rd Place - Martina Favero Shot in Revillagigedos Island, Mexico |
Compact Macro
"Wunderpus" 2nd Place - Regie Casia Shot in Anilao, Philippines | "Smile" 3rd Place - David Pleuvret Shot in Lagoon of Saint-Pierre, Reunion Island |
"The Devil in Me" Honorable Mention - Andrew Michelutti Shot in North Sulawesy, Indonesia | |
Compact Behavior
"Anemone Closing Time" 2nd Place - Sheryl Wright Shot in Cairns, Australia | "Spider Crab Conga Line" 3rd Place - PT Hirschfield Shot in Fleurieu Penninsula, South Australia |
"Coral Spawn" 2nd Place - Chris Gug Shot in Raja Ampat, Indonesia | "Lobster" 3rd Place - Grega Verc Shot in Piran, Slovenia |
List of Winners
1st Place Renee Capozzola
2nd Place Daniel Nicholson
3rd Place Martin Broen
4th Place Julian Gunther
Honorable Mention Josh Blank
Honorable Mention Adam Martin
1st Place Kat Zhou
2nd Place Matthew Sullivan
3rd Place Nicolas Remy
Honorable Mention Novrizal Herdananto
Honorable Mention Kat Zhou
Marine Life Behavior
1st Place Galice Hoarau
2nd Place Bryant Turffs
3rd Place Tom Shlesinger
4th Place Mirko Zanni
Honorable Mention Luc Rooman
Honorable Mention Mark Green
1st Place Kuo-Wei Kao
2nd Place Gabriella Luongo
3rd Place Kim Briers
4th Place Andrew Cummings
Honorable Mention Frank Begun
Honorable Mention Jeff Molder
Honorable Mention Lorenzo Terraneo
1st Place Nicolas Remy
2nd Place Yannick Gouguenheim
3rd Place Jon Anderson
Honorable Mention Shouhao Ren
Honorable Mention Sage Ono
1st Place Aleksei Permiakov
2nd Place Veronika Nagy
3rd Place Luke Gordon
Honorable Mention Mayumi Takeuchi-Ebbins
Honorable Mention Talia Greis
1st Place Dennis Corpuz
2nd Place Josh Raia
3rd Place Steven Kovacs
4th Place Marcello Zof
Honorable Mention Steven Kovacs
Honorable Mention Galice Hoarau
Underwater Conservation
1st Place Lawrence Alex Wu
2nd Place Caroline Power
3rd Place Gabriella Luongo
4th Place Celia Kujala
Honorable Mention Alessandro Giannaccini
Honorable Mention Daniel Pio
Underwater Art
1st Place Sarah Teveldal
2nd Place Julian Nedev
3rd Place Lilian Koh
Honorable Mention Jenny Stock
Black & White
1st Place Martin Broen
2nd Place Brooke Pyke
3rd Place Piers Baillie
4th Place Renee Capozzola
Honorable Mention Richard Condlyffe
Compact Wide Angle
1st Place Enrico Somogyi
2nd Place Felix Beck
3rd Place Martina Favero
Compact Macro
1st Place Eunhee Cho
2nd Place Regie Casia
3rd Place David Pleuvret
4th Place Ipah Uid Lynn
Honorable Mention Martina Favero
Honorable Mention Andrew Michelutti
Honorable Mention Man Bd
Compact Behavior
1st Place PT Hirschfield
2nd Place Sheryl Wright
3rd Place PT Hirschfield
4th Place João Pontes
Honorable Mention Sofia K. Tenggrono
Mobile Phone
1st Place Buzzichelli Alessandro
2nd Place Chris Gug
3rd Place Grega Verc
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